Anndy Lian’s comments on fighting scams quoted on “Hackers Impersonate Crypto Exchange Gemini on YouTube” (

Youtube related scam advertised videos continue to flourish on Youtube. Decrypt media publish an article yesterday on hackers impersonating Gemini Crypto Exchange on Youtube. Anndy Lian was also being quoted in the article.

Anndy’s commented in October openly on Twitter urging Youtube to get rid of misleading video that offers an extraordinary return in their investments.

“Come on @YouTube, please get rid of this fake LIVE videos, 105,000 watching, 2800 likes. I am sure @tylerwinklevoss @cameron @Gemini are not and will not run such schemes. #Crypto has a good future, let’s protect it.”

He has also cautioned all that we should be alert and not fall for the scams that are published.

“Always remember, if it is too good to be true, it is most likely not real. If you need to deposit into some strange address first and they promise 5 times more, it is most likely a scam. Do not fall for such traps.”

Anndy Lian Speaks to Bobby Ong, co-founder of CoinGecko on Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, DeFi & beyond ( Dear Bobby, this is Anndy Lian, I am a governmental blockchain advisor, book author and most recent Board Member of Hyundai DAC. We have in fact met very briefly in Malaysia during one of your meet-up. Good to hear from you again, can you give an introduction of yourself?

Bobby: Sure! I’m the co-founder of CoinGecko, an analytics platform for tracking cryptocurrencies and blockchain assets. CoinGecko was established in April 2014 and is the largest cryptocurrency data aggregator in the world.

CoinGecko provides comprehensive information derived from thousands of data points such as price, trading volume, market capitalization, developer strength, community statistics, and more. We currently track over 7,000 tokens from more than 400 exchanges.

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