“CBDC is the beginning of another evolution” Anndy Lian told Blockchain Today Magazine (www.anndy.com)

South Korea leading blockchain magazine “Blockchain Today Magazine” published Anndy Lian’s thoughts on CBDC. This quote can be found on Blockchain Today Magazine, Volume 29 Special Edition, page 43.

암호 화폐 지불에 대한 수요가있을 때 암호 화폐 채택 으로 시장을 이끌 것이고, CBDC는 또 다른 진화의 시작입니다. 개인 적으로 가장 매력적인 사용 사례는 CBDC라고 생각합니다. 투명한 외환으로 연중 무휴 24 시간 국제 거래를 돕는 디지털화는 믿을 수 없을만큼 강력합니다. XRP, BNB, LTC 또는 스 테이블 코 인은 CBDC 이니셔티브에 맞춰 디 지털 법정 화폐를 교환하기위한 브리지 자산 역할을 할 것입니다. 블록 체인 및 암호 화폐 회사가 코 인과 블록 체인 기술이 미래 CBDC의 형성에 어떻게 도움이 될 수 있는지 보여주기 위해 이제 첫 번 째 단계를 밟아야합니다.- Anndy Lian, Advisory Board Member, Hyundai DAC

When t

Anndy Lian Featured on Supply Chain Asia Magazine- Beyond the hype: how blockchain is already revolutionising the supply chain (www.anndy.com)

“Blockchain is indeed revolutionising the supply chain. This technology has proven its importance, especially in this COVID-19 period. Let’s get started and be part of this revolution.” Anndy Lian has also added that he did not know that his article was published in Supply Chain Asia Magazine in 2018. He only got to know about this when he was catching up with his previous colleague.

“When I read the article now, I think it is still very relevant. The primary risk to food security is now on a global level. Blockchain technology’s track and trace is vital and will help to reduce such risks. This technology can also increase consumers’ confidence level when they deal with future food sources. In order for this work, we need to let traditional companies know what this technology can do for them and blockchain companies like Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, VeChain etc should start to drive more adoption.

You can read the full article below.

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Anndy Lian Emphasizes: “Digitalization has struck every government as a priority never before.” at Hong Kong Blockchain Week 2020 (www.anndy.com)

Anndy Lian and a panel of experts spoke on “Digital Transformation and Innovation: What’s New for Governments and Businesses” at the Hong Kong Blockchain Week 2020. This session is timely as COVID19 has accelerated the pace of digital transformation, decision-makers who were reluctant to adopt and adapt have harnessed technology innovation to keep their companies afloat, and governments are relying on digital solutions to respond quickly to the global crisis.

Digitalization has become essential and has brought up its real purpose in such times. According to ASME-Microsoft study 2020, 83% of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Singapore now have digital transformation strategies. More than half (54%) reported delays in their digitalization plans due to COVID-19. Also, despite higher digital transforma

Keynote Address by Anndy Lian, Advisory Board Member of Hyundai DAC “Navigating blockchain & cryptocurrency in the public sector” (www.anndy.com)

Anndy Lian, Advisory Board Member of Hyundai DAC Technology gave a keynote address on 12 October 2020 at the Digital Week Online Summit. His keynote topic “Navigating blockchain & cryptocurrency in the public sector” gave good insights on how he navigates through the public sector and sharing the real essence of the adoption and usage of blockchain technology.

“If they can’t trust you, you are not going anywhere especially for this technology that is relatively new and accompanied with quite a bit of negative publicity. For those who want to talk to the governments, your products must be ready for commercialization and you must be ready to answer all kind of questions that comes with it. Once you have completed with this phase, you are halfway done. Good luck.”

– Anndy Lian shared with Blockreview after his speech.

Digital Week Online is an online Summit held from 12-16th October 2020. This event unites tech entrepreneurs, authors, investors, innov

Featured on Startup India Magazine: Keynote Speech by Anndy Lian: “Navigating Blockchain & Cryptocurrency in the Public Sector” (www.anndy.com)

Thanks, Startup India Magazine Team for featuring my keynote speech on “Navigating Blockchain & Cryptocurrency in the Public Sector”.

Keynote Speech by Anndy Lian: “Navigating Blockchain & Cryptocurrency in the Public Sector”

Anndy Lian, Advisory Board Member of Hyundai DAC Technology gives a keynote speech at the Digital Week Online on the topic “Navigating blockchain & cryptocurrency in the public sector”. Digital Week Online is an online Summit held from 12-16th October 2020. This event unites tech entrepreneurs, authors, investors, innovators, leading corporates, and key governments

At his keynote speech, Anndy shares his experiences on how to deal with the different governments while introducing blockchain and cryptocurren

Citiesabc Interviews Anndy Lian, Author, Blockchain Thought Leader On Bridging Blockchain Between Business & Governments (www.anndy.com)

Anndy Lian is an Inter-Governmental Blockchain Adviser, Book Author, Investor, Board Member and CEO of Linfinity.

Anndy Lian is a global thought leader and an all-rounded business strategist with more than 15 years of experience in Asia. He has provided advisory across a variety of industries for local, international & public listed companies. Anndy played a pivotal role in not-for-profit and quasi-government linked organizations. An avid supporter for incubating start-ups, Anndy has investments in a few health-related companies. He believes that what he is doing through Linfinity and blockchain technology currently will revolutionise and redefine traditional businesses.


Anndy Lian Interview focus

1. An introduction from you: education, professional background
2. Asia is one of the most dynamic regions in the world. You have been working in Singapore and

Anndy Lian Speaks to Bobby Ong, co-founder of CoinGecko on Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, DeFi & beyond (www.anndy.com)

Blockcast.cc: Dear Bobby, this is Anndy Lian, I am a governmental blockchain advisor, book author and most recent Board Member of Hyundai DAC. We have in fact met very briefly in Malaysia during one of your meet-up. Good to hear from you again, can you give an introduction of yourself?

Bobby: Sure! I’m the co-founder of CoinGecko, an analytics platform for tracking cryptocurrencies and blockchain assets. CoinGecko was established in April 2014 and is the largest cryptocurrency data aggregator in the world.

CoinGecko provides comprehensive information derived from thousands of data points such as price, trading volume, market capitalization, developer strength, community statistics, and more. We currently track over 7,000 tokens from more than 400 exchanges.

<img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-9012" src="https://anndy.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/anndylian_blockcast_bobbyong_CoinGecko.jpg&quot; alt="" width="1200" height="675

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