“CBDC is the beginning of another evolution” Anndy Lian told Blockchain Today Magazine (www.anndy.com)

South Korea leading blockchain magazine “Blockchain Today Magazine” published Anndy Lian’s thoughts on CBDC. This quote can be found on Blockchain Today Magazine, Volume 29 Special Edition, page 43.

암호 화폐 지불에 대한 수요가있을 때 암호 화폐 채택 으로 시장을 이끌 것이고, CBDC는 또 다른 진화의 시작입니다. 개인 적으로 가장 매력적인 사용 사례는 CBDC라고 생각합니다. 투명한 외환으로 연중 무휴 24 시간 국제 거래를 돕는 디지털화는 믿을 수 없을만큼 강력합니다. XRP, BNB, LTC 또는 스 테이블 코 인은 CBDC 이니셔티브에 맞춰 디 지털 법정 화폐를 교환하기위한 브리지 자산 역할을 할 것입니다. 블록 체인 및 암호 화폐 회사가 코 인과 블록 체인 기술이 미래 CBDC의 형성에 어떻게 도움이 될 수 있는지 보여주기 위해 이제 첫 번 째 단계를 밟아야합니다.- Anndy Lian, Advisory Board Member, Hyundai DAC

When t

Anndy Lian, Advisory Board Member at Hyundai DAC Spoke at Global DeFi Summit “Do the right thing for DeFi for it to grow.” (www.anndy.com)

Anndy Lian, an early adopter of blockchain and cryptocurrency spoke at the Global DeFi Summit on 6 January 2021.

“Decentralized Finance (DeFi) will see a stronger interest from institutional investors this year. The macroeconomic trends of low-interest rate globally will also mean DeFi is more relevant to the companies. Traditional finance world keeps breaking, money and people will be redirected to Defi.” Anndy Lian shared.

What is the fastest-growing DeFi area or trend in 2021?

Defi will continue to grow rapidly in 2021.

A) Staking on Defi will grow faster than in 2020. This is closely linked to Ethereum 2.0. The launch of 2.0 is a critical step towards scaling ETH to a much larger capacity. The shift to POS allows huge amount of wealth to be staked as collateral. I would also think more users will not leave their ETH on exchanges. This then spurred to another observation.

B) I think there will be more Cefi and Defi integration in 2021. We will see int

Yahoo Finance: Anndy Lian Spoke at Economics Summit 2020: “Cryptocurrency recreates the future of finance.” (www.anndy.com)

Singapore, Singapore, Dec 5, 2020 – (ABN Newswire) – COVID19 has brought uncertainty to every sector. The financial industry has not been spared. There are vital concerns that are emerging for the Banking & Capital Markets. Economics Summit 2020, held on 2 November 2020, gathered a panel of industry experts to discuss current challenges and share future insights on the topic. Anndy Lian, one of the panelists, shared insights on Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) and its form in the future.

The panel consists of Kent Choi (Team Leader, Credit Suisse), Yvonne Zhang (Director, Risk Advisory, Deloitte), Andrew Colquhoun (Executive Director, Monetary Authority of Singapore), and Anndy Lian (Advisory Board Member, Hyundai DAC) and moderated by Pau Khua Mung.

The topic of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) came up during the discussion. CBDC is known as a new type of currency that governments around the world are experimenting with. It is issued and controlled by the central

Thanks Koin Bülteni for taking my comments on short term Bitcoin trends “May See a Decrease in Price.” (www.anndy.com)

Thanks İlkyaz Taşdemir, editor of Koin Bülteni for taking in my comments on my observations for Bitcoin.

Quoted from the article:

“Anndy Lian , who works in the field of blockchain , is also one of those waiting for dump. Lian explained that Bitcoin whales are transferring money to various exchanges, so a dump scenario can be seen in the short term. However, he said that the BTC price could go down as well.”



Original article in Turkish:

Ki Young: Bitcoin Balinaları Harekete Geçti, Dump Gelebilir

CryptoQuant CEO’su, Bitcoin balinalarının harekete geçtiğini söyledi ve yakında dump gelebilme ihtimaline karşı yatırımcıları uyardı. CEO’ya göre dump, kısa vadede gerçekleşebilir.

CryptoQuant CEO’su Ki Young Ju, yeni Bitcoin yorumuyla yatırımcıları dump konusunda uyardı. Tavsiye dışı olarak analizlerini akt

Anndy Lian Shared his views on the role of Central Bank Digital Currencies and Cryptocurrencies (CBDC) at Singapore Cloud & Datacenter Digital Summit (www.anndy.com)

Anndy Lian moderated a session on Fintech Market Analysis: The Impact of Interconnectivity in Singapore at the Singapore Cloud & Datacenter Digital Summit on 26 November 2020. In his speech, he shared his views future of the Fintech market and the role of Central Bank Digital Currencies and Cryptocurrencies (CBDC).

“I think at the right time, and when there is a demand for cryptocurrency payments is there, it will drive the market towards crypto adoption. CBDC is the start of another evolution.” Anndy Lian commented.

Joel Yarbrough added, “Personally, I think the most compelling use case is CBDC. The digitalisation of currency helping cross border trading 24/7 with transparent foreign exchange is incredibly powerful.”

Anndy shared further that he is still advising governments in the region on blockchain matters and the more innovative ones are looking at using core crypto coins, e.g. XRP, BNB, LTC or stable coins to act as a bridge asset to exchange digital fiat aligned to

Podcast on Spotify: Anndy Lian Talks about “Is crypto a fad or for the future?” (www.anndy.com)


In Wealth Secrets second episode, we delve into the world of cryptocurrency. Our guest Anndy Lian is an experienced professional in the space. He is an Advisory Board Member of Hyundai DAC Tech (the blockchain arm of Hyundai Motor Group). On this Pocast, we discuss on- “IS CRYPTO A FAD OR FOR THE FUTURE”, where we provide some clarity on cryptocurrency in general and hopefully answer pressing questions on your mind. His impressive resume speaks for itself.

  • Advisory Board Member of Hyundai DAC Technology (Blockchain arm of Hyundai Motor Group)
  • Blockchain Advisor of Asian Productivity Organisation(APO).
  • Member of Gyeongsanguk-do Blockchain Special Committee Government of the Republic of Korea.
  • Book Author of “Blockchain Revolution 2030”
  • Chairman of Chairman of Korea eSports Industry Association (Singapore

“Is Cryptocurrency a Fad or for the Future?” Anndy Lian Shares with Wealth Secrets Community (www.anndy.com)

Join Anndy Lian and his hosts to talk about “Is Cryptocurrency a Fad or for the Future?”. The event will be held on 16 September 2020, 1 pm GMT on Podbean and Spotify.


Some topics are:

Can you brief us about cryptocurrency? Is it different from BlockChain Technology?

Is any digital currency a cryptocurrency? What are stable coins?

  1. Who are the major players of the crypto market?
  2. Why the hype about cryptocurrency? Is it worth it?
  3. Bitcoin went from being worthless in 2008 to $1,000 in the span of three years, before dropping to a low of $250 in just a few months, then rising meteorically to nearly $20,000 in 2017, and plunging to historic depths yet again just a few months later. With such volatility, is it really a safe haven as they say? Compared to gold?
  4. What are the major factors hindering the mass adoption of cryptocurrencies? How long do you think it’s going to take

LINFINITY and the changing attitudes toward blockchain technology in the UK

With LINFINITY’s recent successes in developing their DApp supply-chain management system, and with a swathe of announcements, conference appearances, a website overhaul, and the signing of MOUs with big names in the healthcare industry including Herbriller and Scientific Tradition, the Singapore-based blockchain company, looks, as it always has, towards infinite possibilities beyond Asia. INEFFICIENCIES, MISCOMMUNICATIONContinue reading “LINFINITY and the changing attitudes toward blockchain technology in the UK”

South Korea Accelerates Blockchain Industry Development by Establishing Blockchain Committee

Since the beginning of 2018, blockchain technology, and its embedded concepts, have been held in high regard by global economic markets, with countries around the world competing to conduct meaningful and commercially-applicable research and development into the emerging technology, which is widely touted as a leap forward from traditional computational models, security, and network architecture.Continue reading “South Korea Accelerates Blockchain Industry Development by Establishing Blockchain Committee”


公众号:Linfinity(ID:linfinitychain) Linfinity首席执行官Anndy Lian先生主持Linfinity Talk韩国站,他在展示区块链技术及建立可靠可追踪的防伪供应链的重要性。 从2018年5月开始,Linfinity一直在联合区块链行业方面的专家、研究机构和企业进行项目的全球路演,并逐步在建立自有的技术共享社区。目前,Linfinity已经计划将在日本、新加坡、中国大陆等地区巡回举办区块链峰会。 其中,就6月于韩国举办的区块链技术研究分享会上,Linfinity邀约了金融、投资、酒店业和房地产等各个行业的领袖相聚于此,对“区块链如何赋能”、“与产业相结合”、以及“对未来十年互联网产生变革”发表了不少见解。因为区块链的话题一直不仅限于比特币、加密货币以及如何在二级市场交易平台利用虚拟货币进行炒作,区块链中涉及到的分布式总账技术、不可逆等特性如何配合企业真正将应用落地,那才是未来的潜力与财富。 以下就主办方和参与嘉宾对于关键内容发表的回答进行了整理: 区块链将如何改变一切? 圆桌会议嘉宾新加坡银行副董事Elaine Chia回答道:“区块链和加密货币带来的变革趋势,是非常必要以及不可阻挡的”。他表示,以往日常生活里在:搜索引擎信息、食品安全、奢侈品等方面的造假行为,无法判定。如果区块链早点出现,08年的奶粉恐慌基本上可以避免。我们可以验证区块链上的产品的透明度和可信度,消费者可以更加了解药品和食品的准确可靠信息,奢侈品行业的时尚产品也可以通过区块链系统检验真伪,从而为其消费者避免不必要的损失,创造价值。 “区块链”是福还是祸? Seed Global Investment的房地产顾问Edward Tan认为由于自己行业的特性区块链经常被讨论:“常常资金频繁移动以及每天有大量交易发生,因而实施区块链技术十分迫切。” 区块链不仅利于鼓励交易透明和追溯,它还有望提高效率。银行和金融业的与会者在圆桌讨论上表示区块链技术应该应用到工作流程中,长青的银行强烈认为技术可以提高效率,并且大量尚未开发的潜力可以改变银行的工作方式。 会上不论参与者是来自哪个行业,有一点是肯定的:区块链可能改善世界的系统。 这就是为什么Linfinity已经开始了重塑整个供应链的浪潮。通过实施防伪和追踪技术加快流程,为企业提供提高透明和效率的解决方案。 “ICO”是不是究竟是否属合法? 新加坡金融管理局(MAS)资本市场副总经理Lee Boon Ngiap表示:“新加坡数字代币交易所和ICO数量持续增长。 但没有必要限制他们,如果他们是守信企业……但MAS将坚决采取行动,一旦任何数字代币交易所,发行人或中介违反了证券法。” 尽管区块链令人兴奋且有巨大潜力,但大多数与会者对于ICO表示质疑,也反映了区块链应用的犹豫。 近期,ICO骗取投资者数百万美元成了头条新闻,诈骗公司通常只开发或推销有吸引力的登录页面或视频来快速获取资金。投资前投资者应该足够挑剔,仔细研究白皮书以避免数字代币诈骗。Linfinity从开始就没有开展ICO融资行为, 相反,它将依靠通过激励用户行为的代币模型来促进企业和终端用户的良性发展。 区块链的技术实际应用? 截止6月27日,Linfinity已经成功在新加坡和台湾签署了多份MOU(国际战略合作协议),具体包括新加坡的Crossinvest,RHTLaw Taylor Wessing LLP,RHT Holdings,RONGDE Logistics,Scientific Tradition和WealthBriefingAsia。以上合作的范围涉及金融和法律,物流和快消等,合作公司将使用Linfinity的区块链技术,提高供应链的效率和透明度,打造以区块链系统为基础值得信赖可追踪的供应链,使区块链技术从概念转变为现实。 在台湾,Linfinity与阿里山集团签署战略合作协议。根据协议内容,Linfinity将为制造商和消费者建立使用第一款动态博弈机制的仿冒追踪系统,防止仿冒品在供应链上流通。 会议的结尾,Linfinity邀请的嘉宾就区块链应用的前景达成了一定共识,即“区块链将会未来与AI、物联网一样,是影响着众多行业的发展和改变人们行为的一种技术。”这也是Linfinity Talk作为共享平台所传递出的理念之一。Linfinity Talk是Linfinity旗下的路演品牌,旨在构造一个区块链资源共享平台,与志同道合的企业建立联系,深度地探索与分享区块链技术。 Linfinity Talk上嘉宾与180位与会者分享区块链技术 2018年6月9日,首场Linfinity talk在韩国首尔举办。其中,Code Press、Sopay等企业与嘉宾受邀企业加入了访问。

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