Anndy Lian Spoke to BitcoinLive on NFT, Defi, Wall Street Bets, XRP and more (

Anndy Lian, an intergovernmental blockchain advisor and entrepreneur based in Singapore spoke to BitcoinLive on 31 January 2021 on his views on NFT, Defi, Wall Street Bets, XRP and more.

Anndy started the session by sharing what he is doing right now. He has mentioned that he is taking a break and spending time to change some of his business from traditional to crypto like. He is looking at introducing NFT art to, convert from a referral business model to a crypto rebate scheme.

NFT is a hot topic and the host from BitcoinLive asked Anndy how he felt NFT is going for 2021. Anndy’s reply is bullish on the NFT market, he felt that there should be some price adjustments and protection for the consumer. The increase in price for Ethereum should not be the driving factor for NFT

Anndy Lian Interviews Teng Theng Dar, Business Leader, Ambassador and tech evangelist “The best is yet to be.” (

Anndy Lian: Good morning, everyone. I have invited Theng Dar for this interview. He is a business leader, and many know him as Singapore Non-Resident Ambassador to the Sultanate of Oman, and most importantly, he is my friend. It is my honour to have him in our segment.

Good morning Theng Dar. Can you tell the audience more about yourself? 

Theng Dar: My name is Teng Theng Dar. I spent about 30 years living and working outside of Singapore. Mainly in the Asia region; Ten years plus each in Japan and Indonesia, four and half years each in Malaysia and Australia, including project time in the ASEAN region countries, especially Vietnam and Myanmar.

After I graduated from Waseda University in April 1979, immediately I started my first job in Tokyo, Japan, with a

Anndy Lian Featured on Supply Chain Asia Magazine- Beyond the hype: how blockchain is already revolutionising the supply chain (

“Blockchain is indeed revolutionising the supply chain. This technology has proven its importance, especially in this COVID-19 period. Let’s get started and be part of this revolution.” Anndy Lian has also added that he did not know that his article was published in Supply Chain Asia Magazine in 2018. He only got to know about this when he was catching up with his previous colleague.

“When I read the article now, I think it is still very relevant. The primary risk to food security is now on a global level. Blockchain technology’s track and trace is vital and will help to reduce such risks. This technology can also increase consumers’ confidence level when they deal with future food sources. In order for this work, we need to let traditional companies know what this technology can do for them and blockchain companies like Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, VeChain etc should start to drive more adoption.

You can read the full article below.

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Citiesabc Interviews Anndy Lian, Author, Blockchain Thought Leader On Bridging Blockchain Between Business & Governments (

Anndy Lian is an Inter-Governmental Blockchain Adviser, Book Author, Investor, Board Member and CEO of Linfinity.

Anndy Lian is a global thought leader and an all-rounded business strategist with more than 15 years of experience in Asia. He has provided advisory across a variety of industries for local, international & public listed companies. Anndy played a pivotal role in not-for-profit and quasi-government linked organizations. An avid supporter for incubating start-ups, Anndy has investments in a few health-related companies. He believes that what he is doing through Linfinity and blockchain technology currently will revolutionise and redefine traditional businesses.


Anndy Lian Interview focus

1. An introduction from you: education, professional background
2. Asia is one of the most dynamic regions in the world. You have been working in Singapore and

Talk about DeFi with Anndy Lian, Advisory Board Member of Hyundai DAC & Paolo Ardoino, CTO of Tether ( This is our weekly segment where expert meets expert. Let’s meet, Paolo Ardoin0 CTO of Tether & Anndy Lian Advisory Board Member of Hyundai DAC. Hi gentlemen. 


Paolo & Anndy: Hi Jenny. Let me start off with this question: Tether has grown significantly, what is your partner’s network like at Tether?

Paolo: The market cap of Tether has recently risen above US$11 billion. Tether works across a diversity of different blockchains, including Algorand, Ethereum, EOS, Liquid Network, Omni and Tron. Further, Tether operates a robust AML regime underpinned by adherence to, as a baseline minimum, U.S. Bank Secrecy Act standards. Ethereum is the market leader for DeFi now, do you think they will keep this position for long? Who else is the next contender?

Paolo: We are no

Anndy Lian Shares Insights on Blockchain Technology Adoption for Government (

Anndy Lian, an intergovernmental blockchain advisor and book author of Blockchain Revolution 2030 met up with Jan and Nic from Bitcoinlive to share industry updates. Anndy touched on topics on how receptive are governments when it comes to blockchain adoption.

  • How acceptable are governments with blockchain technology and cryptocurrency?
  • How will blockchain value add to some of the governmental initiatives?
  • We are doing better than the traditional markets right now. What should be the mindset of crypto companies in the next few months?
  • Huge number of Bitcoins bought by institutions, what are the possible outcomes? – How regulations can keep the industry safe?

You can watch the video on this Youtube link:


Or read the transcript here (Transcription is not edited, exported from Youtube transcribe option):

Anndy Lian评论“后币安时代下Coinmarketcap的全新评价体系” (大家好,欢迎来到Blockcast.cc的区块链行业专访。我们每周都会链接加密货币和区块链行业专家,给您带来最新最独到的行业解析。今天对话的是我们的老朋友Anndy Lian,他是政府间区块链顾问,知名畅销书作者以及行业媒体评论家,并且在东南亚,日本,韩国以及最近在斯里兰卡都非常活跃。距离我们上一次的专访已经有一段时间了,很高兴再次邀请他来做客。 你好,Anndy,很高兴与你连线。我是Blockcast.cc的记者John。 我看到您近期在Cointelegraph的文章中发表了关于Coinmarketcap最新交易所排名的评论, 这个事件近期确实广受关注且备受争议,您的观点很犀利,所以我们希望跟您进行进一步的访谈,就Binance对Coinmarketcap的影响方面听听您更多的看法。 (图片来源:Cointelegraph) 首先,您认为交易所和排名平台上的数据总体上是否准确且值得信赖? Anndy Lian:你好John,很高兴认识你,谢谢你的来电。 首先,我们都有个共识就是交易所所公示的数据并不完全真实地反应它的真实情况,因为如果数据都没有水分的话,那比特币的市值将应该达到一万亿美元(只是说)了才对。目前各个平台都有自己的排名权重分配和评判标准,主要是基于交易量,但这还不够准确,因为交易量可以刷,这也就是为什么CoinMarketcap会采取全新的评价标准的原因。就出发点来说,我认为是可以理解的。话虽如此,您认为网站流量是取代交易量的最好指标吗?你个人认为对交易所进行排名最有效最可信赖的方法是什么?  Anndy Lian:我认为CoinMarketcap将交易所的网站流量纳入排名的评价体系是一个很好的尝试,但是正如我公开评论的那样,仅仅是这样还不够好,不够客观公平。CZ在Twitter上也提到了,他说此次仅仅是个开始。 话虽这么说,但其实就排名标准而言没有一种所谓的最有效的方法,也不存在一种最公平合适的指标,只有不同标准下的不同结果。交易量可以刷,网站流量也一样,即使是添加了诸如不重复访客数,跳出率,停留时间等变量,也还是可以对其进行操作的。可提高的空间还是很大的,CoinMarketcap可以做的更好。 例如将地理位置因素考虑进来,这只是我个人观点下的一个例子。因为美国和欧洲用户比较习惯与使用web端,所以网站流量的评判标准是很合理的。但是像亚洲市场,特别是中国韩国市场,很多用户都是用app端来进行交易的,这反映在当前交易所排名中,就可以理解为什么拥有更多中国用户的Huobi(排名第18)和OKEx(排名第6)的排名相对比较低了。当然我可能是错的,我只是从第三方的角度来看。 (图片来源:Coinmarketcap) 我相信面对此次的市场反应,CoinMarketcap未来一定会对当前的评价方法和权重模型进行修订。首先,交易量还是一个很重要的数据,但是要想办法建立新的模型来尽可能准确地获取真实的交易量,例如去除掉对冲数量。还可以更多地借鉴传统金融市场中的一些做法,以使排名更公平公正,有借鉴意义。交易所收购交易所评级平台是否会影响平台的中立性? Anndy Lian:老实说,对于交易所而言,拥有一个评级平台并不是个最优的决策,尤其是在行业的早期阶段。如果单纯地从投资角度来看的话,那么无疑Coinmarketcap是一个好的投资标的,但如果从业务角度看的话,质疑和争议无可避免。此次的排名之所以饱受批评,并不是因为大家认为币安实力德不配位,而是质疑CoinMarketcap在被币安收购之后是否还能够维持它的中立性。 对于Binance和Coinmarketcap而言,他们必须不断地继续探索,以确保两家公司之间的独立性。人们将继续猜测并散布更多谣言,但是未来取决于Binance和Coinmarketcap的后续应对策略,让我们继续拭目以待。那币安掌舵Coinmarketcap对行业会有积极的影响吗? Anndy Lian:对于Binance我一直有持续的关注,我在Twitter上也和CZ互相follow了彼此,因此我也阅读了很多他发的文章和见解。以我粗浅的理解,我认为币安(Binance)收购Coinmarketcap也有它积极的方面。 如果抛开中立性不看,币安和Coinmarketcap都是行业内最头部的机构,强强联手,在信息数据共享和交叉检验方面,会有一加一大于二的效果。不同的背景和立场将能够帮助他们共同成长,并为行业带来全新的发展和机遇。我们注意到您在Twitter上的置顶信息,是关于2020年的愿望清单:1)帮助更多的公司加入Blockchain, 2)启动一个可以帮助区块链社区的新项目, 3)深度参与一个全球top 20的项目, 4)打造一个CMC top 50的新代币。可以就这个部分跟我们分享一下吗? Anndy Lian:这只是我的一个新年愿望清单,给自己立几个小目标。这些年我一直在做很多不同的尝试,我投资过公司,自己经营过公司,也创立过一些公司,运营过新加坡最古早的智库,也做了很多政府关联的工作,今年我希将更多的精力放在区块链行业,更深入地参与到其中去,利用自己的资源和能力来帮助好的项目或平台发展。也许CZ在看完这篇专访后会雇佣我(笑)。哈哈,您还有其他update要与我们的读者分享吗? Anndy Lian:近期我受邀担任了瑞士DECENT基金会(亚洲)主席。很遗憾由于COVID19,我尚未访问他们的技术开发中心。DECENT成立于2015年,拥有成熟的技术和商业模式,我很期待将它引入亚洲,介绍给更多的行业伙伴。 最后希望COVID19疫情可以尽快得到控制,愿我们Blockcast.cc的读者们都保持健康。谢谢Anndy抽出宝贵时间接受我们的专访,希望很快能在首尔见到你。如果要与Anndy Lian互动,可以通过访问www.anndy.com或访问他的Twitter:。     原始资料:

Anndy Lian Interviews Nischal Shetty, Founder of WazirX “We are creating a new crypto revolution!” (

Blockcast: Good morning folks. I am Melody, Managing Editor of We have been monitoring the crypto market in India for quite some time. On our end at Blockcast, we are also working with a few Indian communities and projects. Today, we have two experts in this interview. The first expert is Nischal Shetty. He is the Founder and CEO of WazirX Exchange and Crowdfire. He is also a Forbes 30 under 30. Then we have Anndy Lian, an intergovernmental blockchain advisor and Chairman of DECENT Foundation. Anndy today will help to facilitate this interview. 

Good morning guys.

Nischal: Good morning Melody and Anndy.

Anndy: Good day Nischal and Melody. 

Blockcast: Hi Nischal, can you tell us more about yourself before we go into the more serious blockchain and crypto topics?

Nischal: I’m the Founder, CEO at WazirX. It is India’s largest and most trusted cryptocurrency exchange with more than 400,000

Anndy Lian’s Views On Second-Tier Exchanges: “They are too small to be on the radar so they can be more ‘wild.'” (

Thanks Simon Chandler for connecting me and seeking my views on the second-tier exchanges. I always like to pick my own brain and look at things from a different angle. This time I looked at second-tier exchanges being more innovative and daring. This is part of my views and is quoted on the article:

“The only advantage they have compared to the big brothers is they are too small to be on the radar so they can be more ‘wild,’” says Anndy Lian, a Singapore-based cryptocurrency and blockchain advisor and author.

“You seldom see a coin goes 100x on big exchanges but it’s still happening on second-tier and small exchanges.”



The full article can be found below or you can go to to read it.



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Rekap Acara Blockchain Industrial Impact & Peluncuran Wadz Beta di PSB Academy

Pertama-tama, terima kasih banyak untuk semua yang mendukung acara kami yang diselenggarakan bersama PSB Academy pada tanggal 27 November 2019 lalu. Agenda acara ini adalah tentang Blockchain Industrial Impact dan untuk memulai peluncuran aplikasi Wadz Beta. Acara ini sukses besar yang mana semua lapisan masyarakat turut hadir — VC, penggemar Blockchain, pertukaran crypto, mahasiswa danContinue reading “Rekap Acara Blockchain Industrial Impact & Peluncuran Wadz Beta di PSB Academy”

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